Pot Box | Hand Painted 420 Storage Compartment


Large but shallow box, about 8 x 14 inches

With a hidden painting “Fucking Mountains” - to get you turned on while you’re loading up your bowl, just in case you’re not already turned on!

This box is the perfect storage compartment for all your 420 accessories. Display it proudly on your coffee table or bookshelf, keeping your space looking tidy while still keeping your essentials easily accessible!

Plus, you’ll have inspiring and beautiful colors to look at when going to get stoney, starting off your experience in ideal vibes!

Since the lid stands open on its own you can leave it up to display the picture any time of day and it makes it easy and entertaining when you’re rolling up your joints.

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Painting about Cannabis is pretty new for me. 

Last time I shared weed inspired art I mentioned how much fun I relate to it. Recently though, I've been enjoying being sober MORE.

That's the thing about any substance, we think we like it until we don't. Alcohol being the most culturally accepted, even advertised constantly to keep the nation addicted. Alcohol is very addicting, as well as one of the worst legal substances for your health, not to mention other things. this is definitely one substance i do my best to stay away from. 

Contrary to popular belief, cannabis is also VERY addictive, but it also doesn't really give most people withdraw symptoms besides interrupted sleep and cravings, nothing too serious. 

Although I'm still a fan of the Marijuana (big fan!) I'm more interested in using it in moderation.

As someone who used to get high everyday, I didn't notice the full effect it had on me until after I took a long break. Going back to it I noticed how much it zaps my energy.

Of course, that was one of the best benefits it had to me because it helped me slow down and rest, which is super useful for someone who's "worth" used to be attached to her productivity and the need to constantly be "doing, doing, doing."

Now that I know how to rest all on my own, and not beat myself up for it, sober and all, I don't need to use it to force me to rest.

It just so happened that being zapped of my energy was getting in the way of the work I wanted to get done in my art studio....or maybe I just took too much at once.

This is a drug, ok?
Fun, yes. But it does effect our brain. As with everything, a little break, a little step back to reassess can go along way! 

Do you know one drug I did quit taking every day? Coffee. 
I'll still use it in moderation, but boy is that drug that makes me anxious and worried! And again, I really didn't realize it until after I quit. 

Funny enough, this isn't very good sales copy, LOL! But I just like to talk.....and to be honest.

It's actually really interesting having conversations with people around my art and substances because people always assume I'm the stoneyest hippie, constantly tripping because of my art. But truth be told I was painting "trippily" before I ever Tripped.

And it's just plain funny when people ask, "How hard were you tripping when you painted that?!" and I'm like, "None! Absolutely Zero. Do you know how much focus and concentration it takes to paint?" 
That's not to say I haven't painted high, it's just kind of challenging and sloppy. Usually best saved for the start of pieces. 


Stay High on Life! And remember to go Sober from time to time!