A Willow Waterfall

Matilda with her painting “A Willow Waterfall”

A painting description. This piece is SOLD.

I'm so happy with how it this piece turned out! My favorite part is the color scheme, purple, green & white are a combination I've played with a few times, and I have a feeling I'll be doing it again! It's funny because you'd think purple and green wouldn't go together, but I always see it in nature and get that big "YES" sort of heartbeat!!

This one has been completely free flowing, I had absolutely no idea what it would be or what colors were going to happen, I just let it happen. The only think I knew is that when I put the texture on there I left some space for flowing water.

Of course my go to is trees, usually if I don't start with a concept a tree inevitably comes out, maybe I have tree consciousness in my heart! I do feel really connected to trees!

Then, to my surprise, a waterfall decided to come out of the Willow Tree!

The water has a heavy gloss gel surface that's different than the texture of the rest of the piece, so hopefully it gives the feeling of real water. I like to think people will start to hear a bubbling brook when they look at it up close!

The rest of the piece has heavy texture that came from a few half-dried-out mediums. They arrived that way brand new in the mail, but I rather liked them better that way because it made me use them all up in a new way! Plus, I added some pumice stone gel!


All of My Springs Are in You | Painting Description


Sacred Imagination