How to Live in the Flow Zone 🌊 Inspired Action vs Productivity

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These tools facilitate the ability to maintain a consistent & empowering state of mind through working with our thoughts words and actions!

Included you’ll find an Art Print Download to be used as a visual reminder, a Daily Mediation to reprogram the subconscious mind, & 5 Educational Videos to guide you through the process!

“Congruent Vibrations” Acrylic Painting on 12x12in Canvas by Matilda Faith Wentzel

Today we are talking about actions, my personal favorite! So far we have talked about our words and our thoughts and we are talking about all of these things in relation to living in congruence. That is, to have every aspect of the way we show up in life being pointed in the same direction, without anything pulling us back or distracting us from the direction in which we desire to embark on.

This direction will be different for all of us, but there’s one thing we can agree on, and that is flow! Flow is what we will be talking a lot about today.

Now flow at its core is simply a state of mind. But when we bring faith into the picture, and it is confirmed in our life experience, flow becomes a part of our identity, because we believe we are inside of it & a part of it. Flow is now a state of consciousness that goes beyond the physical human brain. That kind of flow is what we are talking about. A deep identification, a oneness and unity of who we are as a part of this Flow from the Divine.

We don’t wanna be following the flow of just any old river of passing fancy. No trickling surface lever layer of flow. No! Only deep flow. Deep flow that encompasses our being. We want to be following THE One Flow, the Flow from the Divine.

Because desires are great, but they don’t last forever. As humans we are always chasing the next new thing. What is truly satisfying and worth lining up with is the dream which is beyond our own dream. That which is SO GOOD we couldn’t have come up with it on our own. This dream is the dream of the highest good. The Divine Dream.

If you’ve noticed, all along in this series I haven’t been saying, “my highest good” or “your highest good” I’ve been saying, “THE Highest Good” Because The Highest Good goes beyond the personal selfish goals we have and opens us up to that which cannot be forced, that which is good for all involved, all of humanity, all of the creatures and plants growing around us! This is where we move past just plain old alignment and congruence and into harmony and flow.

We are not trying to force ourselves to think better thoughts, say the right words, or jump into action. Rather than force we are just relaxing and opening ourselves up to inspiration. Allowing inspiration to arise from within.

But being open, relaxing and listening means we might need to move some noisy and distracting garbage out first. So lets talk a little bit about that!

When it comes to taking actions it’s super important to pay attention to the feeling and intentions behind them. It’s harmful to our journey to take action out of fear and scarcity. Such as this thought process, “if I don’t do this something bad will happen or I won’t get the outcome I’m looking for. or I’ll miss out if I don’t do this right now” That is doing things from the opposite place of trust. Fear is really faith in what is unwanted.

We want to embody & trust the The Highest Good & The Divine Dream for our lives. Trusting means we are not forceful and manipulative, but it does mean we are intuitive and inspired! 

We want to make sure that whenever we do take action that we are not too caught up in the outcome. Really the outcome cannot be our motivator because that’s doing something from a place of separateness. Such as, “I am separate from my outcome.” therefore resulting in more separation. The intention behind the action becomes, “I’m not there yet, I’m not satisfied yet, I’m not fulfilled” and you just get more of the same. Once I heard “Over determined behavior produces its opposite.” It’s not too obvious, but I’ve experienced it and I’m sure if you took inventory of your own life, you’d see it too.

The outcome should not motivate us more than the enjoyment of taking the action in the first place. It could be explained in a way of worship. We want to do everything from a place of worship, knowing every act is sacred and like an offering of praise. When we are forceful and only thinking about the outcome of an action we lose the essence of life. It causes us to live in the future and miss out on the perfect present moment of beauty we are already currently in!

Rather than trying to control our life circumstance though the actions we take, we could release control!

This puts us right into the flow zone! The flow zone is the perfect balance between challenge and skill and it’s like a time-warp!

Whenever we find ourselves in the flow zone, we also find more ease. Things happen easily and with more leverage, it’s really a place of co-creating with The Divine where our actions are the actions of The All-In-All. We are tapped into the divine leverage and therefore everything falls into place without us having to try hard or expend much effort. This place of flow; this place or releasing control is surrender.

When we surrender to The Highest Good, we can leverage the power that brought everything into existence!

As for the time-warp, that’s all an illusion, time is a construct of our culture. But the illusion still exists and effects us. So to tap into perfect timing, all we have to do it tap into the flow!

Now there is a lot of things that bring us into the flow, for me, it’s being in nature, with loved ones, listening to music, creating art or doing physical activities like skiing and hiking! These things teach me about flow and then I practice taking that light hearted playful energy with me throughout the rest of my life.

Some people know exactly what it is that creates flow in their life….and others don’t. But part of having congruent actions is not worrying about what actions to take but just being open to the guidance that is always available!

To tap into the flow, you want to start by tapping into your intuition! Intuition is The Divine Guidance inside of you. Asking is an action and perhaps asking for guidance is your first action.

Even if you have no clue where to start, just know you don’t need to wait to see the whole pathway to take the first step! Part of the fun of embarking on an adventure is not knowing where you’ll end up! When you truly trust, you will take the next step regardless. You start taking action in the inspired direction because it’s enjoyable and usually it’s something easy to do that you’re already super passionate about! No matter what steps and direction you choose, you will always be growing, there’s really no wrong way to go about moving forward in your life, one thing will naturally lead you to the next lesson, realization, or epiphany!!!  

And when you’re having that much fun and enjoying the journey that much, you could care less what the outcome looks like. And when you could care less, that’s the place where you are able to receive The Highest Good which usually ends up being better than the outcome you originally desired in the first place.

Then once you start taking action, the inspiration comes. Action actually breeds clarity and direction, it opens you up to the flow. Because what better place to be guided than the place where you are already listening to the guidance that you’ve already been given? When you obey the guidance, you are naturally in a place to receive more guidance, this is true momentum.

We’ve been talking about momentum all along in this series. It really does begin with awareness around our thoughts and words which helps us to rid ourselves of limiting beliefs and then we are in a ready place to receive our next right step of action.

Once you start walking and momentum takes over in your life, you are allowing the flow to take over; surrendering to it. That’s when the journey really gets FUN!

And if you’re anything like me, inspired action may begin by not taking any action at all! Sometimes we are distracted by doing so much that we miss the flow completely. We miss the present moment and forfeit the immense power found there.

For myself personally, at one point, I found my sense of worth in productivity, but our identity is not in our accomplishments. You are not defined by your actions. What you do is not who you are. You have heard it said, “We are human-beings, not human-doings”

The truest you requires no effort. That’s the you, that is just sitting on the couch loving life, relaxing into the present moment. The you that’s not doing anything is the real you. And that You, doesn’t need to be forced. You don’t have to expend energy and effort to be yourself.

More so, it’s simply about connection. Just being connected to your Inner Self. Embodying your highest self is what happens naturally when you stop doing all the things that create a false identity for you. Like when I used to think productivity was my worth. I identified with that false version of myself, when in reality I am enough when I’m sitting on the couch, I’m even enough when I’m sleeping! And so are you!

Perhaps we are even at our best when we are in a state of rest. Which could be translated as calm and peaceful, the embodiment of going with the flow! I can’t remember who said it, but they said, “When you do less, letting go and letting God becomes a lot easier.”

When we are constantly “doing,” it may very well be a form of doubt and distrust. True faith and trust sits back and waits to be guided, knowing that all will be provided in due time.

Now I’m still learning and practicing all of this too, this is a practice that we are committed to and it takes time. But we can be sure that when we act out of faith, our actions demonstrate whatever it is we desire to acquire. This doesn’t mean we go spend all our money frivolously because we believe we have an endless supply, but it does mean that when we do spend, we do so under direct inspiration and without fear of letting our resources go out.

The same can be said of giving in any way. Whether that’s with our money, time, energy or gifts. When we act out of faith, no matter what the action is, giving, doing, worshiping, no matter what our actions demonstrate whatever it is we desire to acquire.

If it’s confidence, you must start practicing the demonstration of confidence. No fairy with a magic wand is gonna zap you in your sleep and magically you wake up the next day with full-on confidence and transformation! And neither will just saying, “I am now confident”  Although that sure is a great affirmation and a great tool to use. But the way to acquire, is to embody.

To do this is just to start practicing….even if you don’t know what that looks like. You start small and remember, the momentum eventually takes over. It’s time to start embodying gratitude by demonstrating it. It’s time to demonstrate worthiness and faith by acting it out in our lives.

If that means for a time faking it, being an actor on the stage, pretending you’re worthy, pretending you believe. Then so be it! Do what it takes. You have to start somewhere.

Now is the time to act in a radical way! To show up in life unapologetically!

If there’s one take away from this post it is to surrender, to give up control and the consistent “doing, doing, doing!” And to allow your intuition to guide and inspire your actions according to The Divine Plan! I also wanna hear your personal takeaway, so leave it in the comments so others can learn and grow alongside with us!


How I Price My Original Acrylic Paintings.


What Quality to Expect in My Original Paintings