Am I a Christian or Not? (Why I include Bible verses in my descriptions)

I am a truth student, ever expanding; never in bondage to limitations, for The Divine is unlimited, therefore I am unlimited.

I am a woman of God who follows The Way, who lives in The Truth, and radiates The Light!

I've been wanting to write about Christianity for a long time but it is good that I did not write about it earlier because I was coming from a stance of, “these are all the things I don't like about Christianity” and “this needs to change.” Now I realize that Christianity is such a beautiful foundation for my faith that I sincerely love. 

However, I also understand that I cannot limit my expansion to a doctrine of religion and there are certainly things that I don't agree with when it comes to Christianity as an organized religion. 

However Christianity is my foundation and I hold to the truth taught by Christ in the new testament of the sacred scriptures. The Bible itself has been a huge component in my desire and interest in seeking out Wisdom, as it encourages and inspires such actions. I read The Word nearly everyday and find many beautiful revelations within. More than that, it is the sacred text that first introduced me to The God Power, The Most High! Oh, what a wonderful thing, to know The Presence of all peace, of all existence! Nothing could ever separate me or cause me to turn away from such a connection with Divine Love! I know deeply in my heart I have found The True One Within and I have found myself within “Her/His” Eyes! 

I also know that there is no end to God, and so there is no end to knowing “Him/Her.” No end to the expansion and knowledge available to me & no end to the awareness and enlightenment that I may pursue and follow! I am also unafraid to branch out because my foundation is very strong and nothing could shake my connection with Source. I am fearless to step out beyond the teachings of the Bible because I know Truth, and The Being of Truth, and truth backs itself up! 

Growing up I was taught it was dangerous to venture out of the Bible and that the Bible was the ultimate source of truth, I do not deny the immense power in The Word, but God is the Ultimate Source of Truth and my Inner Being is my ultimate source of guidance. God is also The Word, and when I read the scriptures, my Intuition & The Holy Spirit tell me what is meant specifically for me & how to understand it. Not that there's anything “wrong” with the Bible, in fact, I find that it backs up all the truth I find outside of it and that after coming to an understanding of a particular concept through modern words and explanations, I understand the Bible’s teachings so much more fully!

I would still identify as a Christian and there are endless types of Christians out there, because everyone's spiritual journey is 100% unique. But in the end I could care less about labels, all they ever did was separate one from another. I desire unity & truth, unshrouded by the culture and humanity’s ideas. I desire ultimate Love; Pure-Pure-Love! 

This, “Am I a Christian or not?” has been a question I have wrestled with for years, finally I can say, “Yes and No.” Christian in the fact that I desire to be like Christ and know that I am Christ. Not-Christian in that no Christian is the same and other Christians may not agree with my views. As well as, Not-Christian in that I don’t hold to or follow the Religion of Christianity.

The only reason I have continued to call myself a Christian this long is due to a woman I met who responded to my intentions of not calling myself a Christian anymore by saying, “No, don't stop calling yourself a Christian, because you're the only Christian I've ever met who has demonstrated the principals Jesus actually taught and why shouldn’t you be the one to turn around the stereotype?”

“For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.  For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”

~1 Corinthians 13:9-14

We will never understand the totality of who “God” is.

Spiritual beliefs are constantly changing, this is just one stepping stone where I am at currently. In case anyone is curious, I as long as this is posted here does not mean that I believe it at the current date (whatever future date that may be) simply the posted date. As time passes things change, but perhaps as long as I have this posted here, I'm just saying that I acknowledge this as a step in my spiritual journey.


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